TwistedMexi's Python Patch Mod Update | The Sims 4

image lifted from the creator's patreon page

This contains TwistedMexi's python patch mod updates including the following:

All Cheats - Re-enables all the cheats the guru's blocked with the season's patch.

Always FreeBuild - Forces Freebuild mode on.

Always FullEditMode - Forces CAS into Full Edit Mode. Pairs well with AlwaysTesting.

Always MOO - Forces MoveObjects On.

Always Testing - Forces TestingCheats True.

ClubCredit - Adds a cheat that modifies your club balances easily and quickly.
Command: tm.clubcredit

DayWalkers - Allows vampires to be in sunlight without burning.

FullHouse - A cheat mod that allows you to manually add more than 8 sims to a household.
Command: tm.fullhouse

Lifetime Skills - Lets you carry over a % of skill value to their next-age equivalents.
(There is also a variant that excludes the steel bladder perk for maxed potty skill)

LiveDrag - Allows you to drag any object while in live mode.
Command: tm.livedrag_all

Sell Inventory - Allows you to sell entire household inventory in one command.
Command: tm.sellinventory

No Weather BuildBuy - Removes snow, rain, puddles, and drifts while in buildbuy mode.

Vehicles - Cheat mod that lets you spawn high-resolution decorative vehicles.
Command: tm.vehicles

Values Toggle - Cheat mod to toggle character values. When values are off, any value changes will result in a neutral value (zero).
Command: tm.togglevalues

Here's How To Properly Install Mods 


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